Sevier Park Community Center
Part of the Master Plan for Metro Parks and Greenways, the new Sevier Park Community Center included a master-park- plan for the entire 20-acre park, as well as the design of a new community center to replace the existing outdated facility. Designed to meet LEED Gold requirements, the center’s green features include a green roof, pervious parking pavers, rain gardens and the use of recycled materials. In order to minimize site disturbance and save existing mature trees, the building is located on the site of the circa 1960s existing center and parking lot.
Metro Parks required that sustainable building and design techniques be integrated into the project addressing specifically the following issues: Site permeability and stormwater, Habitat restoration and enhancement Reducing riparian impacts, Water use efficiency, Energy conservation and atmospheric impact. Stormwater conveyance is an existing issue throughout the 20-acre park. The construction of a new Center was a way to help to address this issue, rather than exacerbate it. With a minimal footprint, green roof, bioswales and a new pervious parking lot the design helped to create more capacity for retaining stormwater on-site than with the previous center and parking. The center was uniquely recognized by the State of Tennessee as the only building in 2015 awarded a Sustainability Award from the Governor.
Metro Parks and Recreation
Nashville, Tennessee
20-Acre Park
LEED-NC, Gold Certification
2015 Excellence in Masonry, Masonry Institute of TN
2015 Excellence in Development, ULI Nashville
2015 TN Governor’s Award for Sustainability
2014 Merit Award, AIA Middle TN
2014 Sustainability Award, AIA Middle TN
Sterling E. Stevens Design Studio Anthony Matula (MA2LA)
Wendell Thompson